Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin all praise to Allah Ta’ala that Insan Cendekia Boarding School is categorised as one of the most recommended education institutions in Indonesia for our great quality education. For years, we have proven our commitment as a reliable school with an aim to empower our students as the next Moslem future leaders, Insya Allah.
Earlier this year, our school grabbed a Gold Medal in MTQ 2020 and contributed a lot on making West Sumatra Province as the overall champion of MTQ 2020 which was held in Padang. Still in 2020, our High School also gained the Best of the Best Award 2020 by Pusat Penghargaan Prestasi Indonesia in Denpasar, Bali. Moreover, our founder, Ustadz Ahmad Maududi, is awarded as Top 50 Leader 2020 from Indonesia Achievement Centre in Jakarta. Those are only few of our great achievements this year. Below you can see all achievements we gained for the past few years.